Automobile Accidents
If you or a loved one are injured in an automobile accident, Rosencranz & Associates can help you get the compensation you deserve.
Automobile accidents are one of the most common causes of serious injuries in Massachusetts. Unfortunately, even the most prudent drivers can become victims of a car accident through no fault of their own. Being the victim of an accident on the road can happen whether you're a pedestrian, a motorcycle rider, bicyclists, or user of public transportation.
If you are in an accident, you should speak to a lawyer as soon as possible. In addition to coverage of your medical bills, you may be entitled to lost wages as well as compensation for your pain and suffering. All Massachusetts drivers are required by law to have insurance coverage for these situations, however, you will need an experienced lawyer to maximimze the settlement.
Call the law experts toll free at 1-844-LAWS-123 or submit your case through the quick online form on this page and our highly experienced attorney will help guide you through your legal options. You can speak to our attorney under no obligation, free of any cost to you.

Premise Liability/Slip and Fall
Property owners in Massachusetts have a responsibility to maintain and keep their property safe to ensure the safety of those on it. When a property owner fails to do so and someone gets injured, the victims may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and damages. Rosencranz & Associates has extensive experience in handling premise liability matters and can help determine if you have a case.
One of the most common cases of premise liability are “slip and fall” accidents, which can often lead to serious and permanent injuries. Other common causes of premise liability cases include: poor lighting; faulty or missing stair rails; damaged stairs; broken or uneven pavement on sidewalks and walkways; and ice, water, or snow, on sidewalks or parking lots.

Catastrophic Injuries
Catastrophic injuries are life altering accidents. A catastrophic injury can change someone’s life, causing the victim to be out of work and forever unable to take care of their own needs or the needs of their family. If a catastrophic injury is caused by the negligence of someone else, the victim may be entitled to a significant monetary award as compensation for their injuries. Rosencranz & Associates has extensive experience in handling catastrophic injuries, and can help determine if you have a case.
The most severe catastrophic injuries usually involve brain or spinal cord injuries. Other common injuries that are considered catastrophic injuries include: severe burns, loss of sight, amputations, shoulder injuries, foot injuries, neurological disorders, multiple bone fractures, and paralysis.

Worker’s Compensation
In Massachusetts, employers are required to carry worker’s compensation insurance that covers their employees for any workplace injuries. Employees are entitled to be compensated for workplace injuries even if the injury is not caused by their employer’s negligence. If you get hurt at work, you can file a claim under workers compensation. Rosencranz & Associates has extensive experience in handling worker’s compensation cases, and can ensure that you are treated fairly by your employer (and their insurance company).
Worker’s compensation covers any injury that happens during the course and scope of your employment. Some of the many worker's compensation cases that we have handled in our 43 years of dealing with worker’s compensation claims include: fractures; back and neck injuries; slip and fall injuries; repetitive stress injuries; carpal tunnel syndrome; and psychological issues.
If you have been injured at work, you should contact a lawyer immediately. Your injuries may entitle you to substantial financial compensation and Rosencranz & Associates will fight to get you the maximum compensation allowed by law.

Product Liability
Manufacturers have a responsibility to ensure that their products function safely and do not cause injury. A product’s defect may stem from its design, marketing, or manufacture. When someone is injured by a defective product, manufacturers may be liable for the damages. Rosencranz & Associates has extensive experience in handling product liability cases and can ensure that a negligent manufacturer is held financially responsible for the injuries their product has caused.
Product liability cases deal with a very wide range of products. Some of the most well known product liability cases have involved pharmaceutical drugs. Other common product liability cases include: defects in motor vehicles and their parts; lawn and garden equipment; medical devices; industrial and heavy machinery; kitchen appliances; child seats; baby cribs; toys; and recreational vehicles such as dirt bikes, jet skis, and boats.

Wrongful Death
While the death of a loved one is a tragic event that is never easy, the death of a loved one due to someone else’s negligence can be especially traumatic. The family of a victim of a wrongful death must not only cope with the emotional anguish caused by the untimely death of their loved one, but must face the economic impact as well. While no amount of compensation can replace your loved one, Rosencranz & Associates can help your family recover from the economic and emotional impact of your loss.
One of the leading causes of wrongful death cases are auto accidents. Other common causes of wrongful death include (but are not limited to): airplane crashes, medical malpractice, work accidents, etc.
Handling wrongful death claims is significantly different than most other personal injury matters since the claim is brought on behalf of the survivors of the estate instead of the victim. Additionally, wrongful death claims require complex analysis to determine the economic and non-economic impact of the death on the survivors of the estate.
Rosencranz & Associates has been successfully handling wrongful death cases for over 40 years, and has the expertise to effectively pursue your case. If your loved one has passed away due to someone else's fault, you should speak to a lawyer at Rosencranz & Associates as soon as possible. The expert lawyers at Rosencranz & Associates will make the process of maximimzing your recovery for the economic and emotional loss of a loved one our highest priority.

Dog Bites
If you or a loved one are victims of a dog attack, Rosencranz & Associates can help you get the compensation you deserve.
No one deserves to be the victim of a dog bite. Yet, each year there are thousands of dog bites in Massachusetts that require medical care. Victims of dog attacks are often bitten on the face or hands, and may suffer life-long physical and emotional scarring and in some cases long term disability.
If you or your loved one has been bitten by a dog, you should speak to a lawyer as soon as possible. In addition to coverage of your medical bills, you may be entitled to a substantial recovery for physical scarring and pain and suffering. Most home owner’s insurance policies provide coverage for these types of cases, but an experienced lawyer will be needed to maximize your recovery. The expert lawyers at Rosencranz & Associates will make this process as fast and easy as possible for you.
If you have been bitten by a dog, call the law experts toll free at 1-844-LAWS-123 or submit your case through the quick online form on this page and our highly experienced attorney at Rosencranz & Associates will help guide you through your legal options. You can speak to our attorney under no obligation, free of any cost to you. We understand that a dog attack can be highly traumatic and believe that all victims deserve quality legal help in order to maximize the compensation they recover for their physical and emotional suffering.
Areas of Practice
Contact Rosencranz & Associates to discuss your potential case. We are experts in the following areas:
Automobile Accidents
Slip & Fall Accidents
Catastrophic Injury
Worker's Compensation
Product Liability
Wrongful Death
Dog Bites